Sunday 25 May 2014

The Mall

May 24, 2014

Maybe I shouldn't go to the mall unattended...No, I didn't go crazy on retail therapy. (well, ok I spent $130 on some skirts from GAP of all places but it was for 4 skirts and I'll probably wear them all summer that's not really considered a "spending spree"...)

But I did leave blubbering like a baby...No not cause anyone stared. Or pointed. Or threw stones...

Because I was humbled.

I walked in the mall and first thing I see is a bunch of stationary bikes, and people going like crazy on them. I wondered if it was some kind of fitness challenge, or maybe a new gym or spin class advertising.

Then I caught the word "cancer". Better yet, "Ride to END Cancer". Immediate lump in my throat. At first it felt like my Guardian Angel's way to calm the nervousness of my first solo trip to the mall as Cindo The Bald. Or Cindo The Sick. I watched for a few minutes from up above suddenly completely comfortable in my own skin. Now if anyone looked at me, I kinda thought it might be more in solidarity than freakishness.

I carried on and went shopping. I even managed to forget I was bald in my shopping glory lol.

On my way out I grabbed a Jugo Juice and snack wrap and decided to sit by the bikers. At least I wouldn't look strange there. People might even assume I had a loved one participating.

And that's when it happened. As I was watching these complete strangers bike their hearts out to raise money for a disease I am battling, I thought "they are biking for me". Not just me, I know, but I am one of the millions of people they are biking for. And my eyes watered. And I felt this intense need to thank the bikers. So I went over and made a donation. The lady taking the donation asked "Are you participating?". I smiled and thought "sorta" but said "no, battling" and pointed to my head. I continued to tell her how I was nervous for my bald debut (solo) and my voice cracked when I got to the "and then I saw you guys...." Tears fell and I thanked her. Then I started to go by each biker and thank them. I only made it through half before I was blubbering like an idiot and decided to leave before I traumatised anyone one (or had mall police cart me away!!) 

Although I got myself under control as I went up the escalator, tears continued to fall all the way to the truck. Tears of gratitude for strangers who may never know how much of an impact they made on me today. 

Today will stay with me on the rough days. It will stay with me on the good days. But most importantly it will stay with me through to my healthy days as a reminder what strangers did for me. 

And as a reminder that my time will come to Pay It Forward.


  1. Hi Cindy,
    I had already heard about your experience from one of our team-mates and was so pleased to hear that our event had had additional positive impacts beyond raising funds. I was unable to be at CANSuffer this year because I was at two cancer-related conferences in Florida (got back yesterday). I am a cancer survivor (Ewing's Sarcoma 1989 & 1992) and a cancer survivor. I also founded the One Aim team; we have raised over $1Million dollars in the last 5 years...and aiming for $500K this year alone! I am so glad that you met some of our members and I know how much it meant to them to know the positive impact it had on you.
    You are not alone...and if you would like to find out more about the One Aim team, check out or We will be having more events throughout the summer (not on the same scale, though!) so please swing by again and top up your mojo!
    All the very, very best.

    Nigel Brockton

    1. I will be at your future events with bells on. You guys are an inspiration and the post only begins to explain what it meant to me on guys have a fan for life :)

  2. Hi Cindy,
    You don't need to ride to be involved...there are volunteering options available as part of the main organization of The Ride or with the One Aim team...we will have some support vehicles this year that will need some personnel. If you felt up to it, you would be a super motivating force out on the road! You may even find some recruits for your Run for the Cure team!

    1. I will be in touch via FB to get some more info from husband and I would love to help out as volunteers! I think The Ride is right before my next treatment so that would be perfect timing cause my counts should be highest and I should (hopefully) be feeling my best...will send you a message...thanks so much...

  3. Hi Cindy,
    My name is Martin Dodd and I am the founder of CANSuffer to CONQUER, the event you came across at Southcentre on Saturday. In my dazed state I believe I saw you looking down upon us. When you caught my eye you gave me even more motivation to get through the next several hours of my personal torture.
    Raising as much money as we did was fantastic, 3 of us riding for 12 hours was inspirational, myself riding for 24 hours, idiotic, you showing the courage to walk with your head held high, ready to tackle this challenge with everything you have and coming down to the mall - that's the biggest reward anyone could have.
    I'm glad our event helped you and made you realize that you are not alone - because you truly are not. You have all of us and many more marching right beside you!

    1. Wow Martin congrats on your unbelievable, crazy 24hrs - are you able to walk still??? Thank you for your message and for founding such an amazing event. I bet there are lots of others our there you have affected (other than financially I mean) that just never said anything. I'm glad I did and I'm glad I now know how much more amazing you guys are than I originally thought! Because of you guys I am debating running the 5k in Oct instead of just walking you have started a ripple effect. Thank you so very much for doing what you do and know you have one very, very appreciative fighter who will do what I can to support you guys in future events.

      Thank you

  4. hi Cindy,

    I just went home before you arrived and I wish I hadn't. I too remember the first time I tried to step outside without my locks. You are much braver then I was!

    You have more people rooting for you then you will ever know! I can't wait to meet you!

    1. Thank you for the encouraging words...ditto on meeting you!

  5. Hi Cindy,
    I'm sorry I missed you the day of the event, I was only away a short time to eat and that must have been when you stumbled upon us. I do the ride for friends and family (my Mom) I've personally lost and for friends who are survivors. Thank you so much for including this in your blog, it means a lot to know that our efforts have an affect more than just $$. That said I know that $$ are important on soo many levels and I would be honoured if I could join your rack attack team and raise some funds and run for you on October 5th.
    Thanks Cam Laird.

    1. HI Cam - I'm sorry for those you have lost and hope your efforts help reduce the number lost to this horrible disease. I'm amazed over and over at the strength and resilience of those who have participated in the event on guys are an amazing bunch. Its no wonder you all had such an impact on me!!
      Holy cow Cam! The honour would be ours if you'd like to join our team for the run on Oct 5th. We are quite the mis-mash of friends, family, co-workers..and now new friends :)
      I'm seriously overwhelmed by the messages of support and the willingness of someone to support a complete stranger...its just amazing. You are all seriously amazing.
